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Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Fight for Immortality. A saga of Alien Infiltration.

Or: To be or not to be. That is the question.
We have actually all dreamed about Immortality upon occasion. Those who declare to "know the fact" are labeled sages or kooks-- depending upon whether they agree with us.
The Fight For Immortality novel explores the Immortality principle. Does it tread on toes? Oh yeah-- and hard, if some of the criticisms are any sign.
A recent Amazon reviewer wrote this: "The concepts this author has introduced to the reading public through this story are thought provoking and spiritual in a way that I had never thought. ...What each of the readers take from this story will be a personal journey as to what they really believe or want to believe. Enjoy!!"
To read or not to read? That's the next question.
As you read your journey can be internal - what you believe and feel, or external, simply enjoying the story for its sake alone, or both. Your reactions may be violent-- a 5 star love fest or a 1 star tirade. Or perhaps it'll bore you to death.
My advice? Take the plunge.
Peter Arthur.

The Alien's policy towards Earth has actually altered. Powerful forces conspire and perform the infiltration and overtake of Earth. But exactly what are their goals? What terror, if any, exists behind their compassionate actions? And why does high school misfit Jack Cousins have misgivings toward them when all the signs points to their goodness?
When his girlfriend is duped into leaving Earth on a Galactic Work Permit, Jack needs to act. What hell must he withstand to unearth the true facts? What pain must he deal with to become himself? Check out the "The Fight For Immortality" and find out.

Keep reading about this Science Fiction book

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