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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Exercise For Beginners Does Not Have To Be Hell

Exercise for beginners can be a bit overwhelming. It's no secret that regular exercise can do wonders for how you feel and help you to look good. But it can be a bit overwhelming knowing where to start.Here are 6 tips about exercise for beginners.

Exercise for beginners can be a challenge. It's no secret that regular exercise can make you feel great and lose weight but it can be a bit overwhelming if you don't know where to begin. Here are 6 tips about exercise for beginners to help you get started.
1. Set Yourself An Objective.
Instead of setting a vague objective like 'lose some weight' or 'build some muscle' set precise goals that will need you to do a certain amount of exercise over a certain period of time. For example, you could commit to going jogging three times per week for 30 minutes.
2. Keep An Exercise Notebook.
Make sure you keep a note of your exercise sessions to monitor your progress. Write down what exercise you have done during the week and include things like how far you ran, the number of lengths you swam and how you felt after the workout.
3. Start Gradually.
Begin your workout regime gradually. Increase the amount you exercise and the intensity of your exercise session each week. People usually overestimate their capability to exercise. A good general guideline is to start out a routine at 30% less than you think you can handle and then work your way up from there. Then, rather than overestimating and feeling guilty that you have not achieved your objectives, when you underestimate you'll feel good about exceeding your goals.
4. Find An Exercise Buddy.
Do you exercising with a friend or family member. That way you may find it much easier to remain motivated and you can both help to encourage each other. You can try new exercise programs together and you'll be less likely to quit your new exercise plan.
5. Start Small and Build Up.
Walking is one of the best exercises for beginners. Walk for a short amount of time or small distance in the beginning. When you feel your body is doing well with this pace, increase the distance or time a little and keep building momentum each week.
6. Find An Exercise You Enjoy.
Exercise for beginners can become something you really dislike if you don't enjoy it. There are plenty of good ways to exercise and by giving some of them a try, you're sure to find one or more that you like. For example, you might find that you enjoy a 30 minute home workout more than going to the gym. When you find an exercise routine that you enjoy doing, keep with itHealth Fitness Articles, and you will start to see the benefits sooner than you think.

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