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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Love my Body Blade

Now that I am in my mid fifties my exercise routine has changed a bit, as I cope with the affects, that all the heavy iron pumping, that I did in my 20's and 30's. I have bad joints in my elbows, and I have a herniated disc in my neck, this means no more heavy lifting, but I want to stay active.

I discovered the Body Blade, many years ago, when I was doing physical therapy. I don't believe that is will give me the physique of athletics, that they use, in their dvd's, but I still enjoy using it. You can perform an endless variety of exercise with it, it puts zero stress on my joints, and the price has come way down, from when I purchased mine, about 10 years ago. Plus, there are many clubs, and classes across the country, it's just another alternative to add your exercise routine.

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