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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Pet Ideas for a 5 gallon tank

If you only have room for a smaller tank, you can still enjoy the aquarium hobby, here are some suggestions for what to stock in a 5 gallon tank

African Dwarf Frogs
African dwarf frogs are an excellent choice for five gallon tanks, and are probably the most suitably-sized vertebrate for nano aquariums. These tiny frogs are not to be confused with African clawed frogs, a much larger species.
Also, fire belly toads are a small frog species that can minimally tolerate a 5 gallon tank size, but again, this is not ideal and many keepers would recommend against it

Betta Fish (also known as Siamese fighting fish) are the most popular choice on this list. They are often erroneously said to do well in the small, cup-like aquariums that they are routinely sold in. However in the wild, they live in large rice paddies, not puddles, and they should have a minimum of a five gallon tank size. The males also cannot be kept with members of their own species. Remember that while there are small fish that would seem to fit well in a five gallon, like bigger neon tetras, they need to be in larger groups that do not fit.
  • Some other freshwater species: Paradise fish, Sparkling Gouramin, Dwarf Gouramin, Head and Taillight Tetra, guppy, platy fish, Otocinclus, Green Neon Tetra, dwarf puffers.
  • Most small aquatic invertebrates, such as freshwater shrimp (small shrimp like cleaner shrimp, sexy anemone shrimp, and peppermint shrimp), corals, button polyps (Zoanthids), small hermit crabs, snails, and clams. These are all small but very entertaining, perfect for a five gallon. Such aquariums are equally fascinating and water changes aren’t such a critical necessity every week.

  • U Tube is an excellent source for researching ideas for a smaller size tank, don't let the 5 gallon size, limit your creativity, or passion  for the aquarium hobby.

    If you need supplies for your tank or fish you can find them here

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